What Is Seed Germination?

Suwaida Parivash
2 min readApr 2, 2022


A plant grows from a seed. A seed have 3 major parts. The seed coat, embryo and cotyledon.

Seed coat is the outer layer which protects the plants while they grow.

Embryo is the baby plant which is inside the seed and the rest of it is the cotyledon that contains food for the baby plant, embryo.

To grow a plant, you don’t need only a seed but you also need a suitable condition. You need water, sunlight and warmth.

Each plant is adapted to its environment like a cactus plant can only live in a desert and it cannot live in a rainforest.

Once all the conditions are suitable for the plant, you can sow the seed into the ground.

During the beginning stage of seed germination, the seeds taken up water rapidly and this results in swallowing and softening of the seed coat. This is known as imbibition.

By rupturing of the seed coat, radicle emerges to form a primary root. The seed starts absorbing underground water.

After the emerging of the radicle and the plumule, shoot starts growing upwards.

In the final stage of seed germination, the cells of the seeds become active and give rise to the seedling.

